The core consideration of GOTS is to ensure that organic textiles are in compliance with the regulations from harvesting, raw materials, processing and final product packaging, so as to bring reliable products to final consumers. Textile and clothing products that contain at least 95% of certified organic fibers will be awarded the "organic" (organic) grade label, and those with only 70% will be awarded the "made with organic" (made with organic) grade label. To achieve consistency and transparency in organic textile standards by requiring textile manufacturers to regulate the production of organic textiles and apparel with globally recognized standards. GOTS covers all processes of natural fiber planting, processing, packaging, labelling, import, export, distribution, etc., and the final products include but not limited to fibers, yarns, fiber products, and clothing accessories.
According to the latest GOTS version 5.0, the content of the specification includes three major items: guidelines, social guidelines, and quality assurance system. The guidelines are further divided into "production requirements for organic fibers", "requirements for the composition of fiber raw materials", and "products used in each processing stage. General Requirements for Chemical Inputs" and "Specific Requirements and Test Parameters".
On-site inspection and verification of processing plants, manufacturers, and traders by an independent professional verification organization is the basis of the GOTS supervision system, and based on this, GOTS-labeled textiles with credibility are provided.
Certification application
Textile processing plants, manufacturers, and traders can apply for the GOTS mark. Applicants should first contact a GOTS-approved certification body. The certification body can provide an assessment of the operation process and timeline from application to completion of certification. In addition, the verification agency will also estimate the verification cost based on the location, scale, operation status and other relevant factors of the case. In principle, all GOTS-approved certification bodies are allowed to provide global inspection and certification services, and applicants can choose any certification body to apply. Some operators provide services through regional offices or cooperate with local operators, but some operators coordinate and integrate global services through the company headquarters. However, GOTS has restrictions on the scope of inspections that each certification body can perform. The scope of textile supply chain inspections that a certification body can perform can be divided into the following categories. The contact information of relevant certification bodies, regional representatives, and information on the scope of inspection are listed. On the GOTS website:1. Scope 1: For textile machinery processing, production procedures and products.
2. Scope 2: For wet processing, finishing procedures and their products.
3. Scope 3: For trading activities and products.
BSI Group (Jiangsu Dawan) have been completed the GOTS application in 2022. When manufacturers seek GOTS-compliant dyes and auxiliaries, we have more than 300 types of textile dyes, pigments, and auxiliaries to choose from.
For more information on GOTS, visit